jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Bioma Selva, Prezi

Aca está el link del prezi que cree con Facundo Gonzalez Soria y Franco Zampaglioni para Tics, y Geografía.


"The door in the wall" Literary Essay

The door in the wall is written by H.G Wells. The story is about a man called Wallace that had a horrible life, since he was a little kid his father treated him very badly. All these things caused Wallace to see a door in a wall, a door that took him to a "paradise", a place where he had all the things he never have. There he met a woman that he associated with his dead mother: This is a very strange topic, but very interesting, in this story it is reflected that with a little of imagination you can go to any place. But because og his imagination he finished dying trying to go to this magical place.

Wallace had a horrible childhood, he did not have so many friends, and the little time he spent with his father he was badly treated by him. In a way this door was his escape from reality, where he went to a "paradise".

Inside the door, there was a woman. He had lot of friends, in this door he had all he never had.

At the end Wallace discovered the imaginary door a lot of times more, but he was now a buisness man, so he did not have time to enter because he was bussy. He finally died in a construction, when he saw the wall, and tried to enter, and he finally died.

We can make the conclusion that as we see here in the story the people who have a bad childhood, who do not have a mother and moreover a bad father, are the ones, that have more imagination. Aldo kids have a lot of it, in this conditions having it, make the child so much better, and like this he escaped from his horrible life by only imagination. This is a true example of how far you can go with a little bit of imagination.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Educación Artística

Trabajo Nro 1. Carátula

Trabajo Nro. 2 Escala de Valores de Grises

Trabajo Nro. 3 Aplico escala de grises a una composición con heroe mitológico.

Trabajo Nro. 4 Diferentes tipos de líneas en una composición.

Trabajo Nro. 5 Info. de Luis Scafati

Luis Scafati (24 de noviembre de 1947, Mendoza, Argentina) es un dibujante e ilustrador argentino.
Comenzó a dibujar en la niñez, las historietas fueron su principal fuente de estímulo y aprendizaje. Estudió artes en la Facultad de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
Desde muy joven publicó sus dibujos en diferentes medios nacionales argentinos, las revistas HumorTía VicentaNoticiasEl PeriodistaPéndulo, los diarios ClarínSur, ADN el suplemento cultural de La NaciónEl País de Uruguay, entre otros.
Scafati experimenta con el dibujo en diversas variantes, el humor gráfico y el comic tiñen su imagen, desarrollando un estilo ecléctico donde confluyen diversas escuelas y técnicas, (tinta, lápiz, carbón, acuarela, témpera, pastel, transfer).

Trabajo Nro. 6 Estructura de una Cara y escala de grisescon carbonilla

Trabajo Nro 7 Dibujar un compañero con carbonilla

Trabajo Nro 8 Composición con caras místicas, técnica carbonilla collage sobre papel misionero

Trabajo Nro 9. ¿Que es una Intervención?
La intervención es la acción de completarla (por estar inacabada) o bien de modificarla con un nuevo criterio

Trabajo Nro. 10 Dibujo de los Héroes

Trabajo Nro. 11 Dibujo de Héroe con tinta china

 Trabajos 11 12 y 13. Trabajo de colores complementarios.

 Trabajo Nro. 14 Monocromia en forma libre